Putting improver balls
How to improve your Putting  quickly.
If your putting is not perfect
a set of Pefectaputt balls will certainly  
highlight it and help you improve !

Heritage golf balls......PRICE’S EVERLASTING

Did you know that all the balls around today

are using technology that Price first used when all other golf balls were tightly wound elastic with gutta percha covers.


SO....Who would like to try       

    The original golf ball, the

    English size golf ball?    


     If you didn’t know, all golf balls in Europe used to be English size.

        Smaller than the American size that is now the standard.


   We still have production tooling and want to know if people would

     like to try the original size balls which at 1.62(41mm) in    diameter, with less air resistance, went further.


    Years ago it was  pushed out of  by the larger American

       size ball, which at 1.68”(42.6mm) diameter was

said to stand up higher in the grass. Do you believe that?.

 The tiny difference  of  0.020 (0.5mm) of an inch in radius is enough to make any difference in supporting it higher on the grass?

                 It sounds like pure marketing nonsense.


      The truth of the matter is, market forces ruled the day.

America is a vast market and their top players did not like coming  over here and playing with the English ball,

 because subconsciously they thought the slightly

smaller ball put them at a disadvantage.




£9.97 a set
Putting improvers
            We developed and made golf balls for  many years
 but lost all our distribution over time as Far East producers
                       came on stream at low prices
              We stopped production over 20 years ago.
           We have built a brand  new factory  and thought
           Could attract present day players.
email me.... derek@jpricebath.co.uk  
If of interest
Enough interest and I will produce a batch and supply
samples, possibly free !
Union Jack
Union Jack